St. Mellion Parish Records

Marriages 1837-1910

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Marriages 1558-1805 are available at the LDS site.
Later marriages  (up to 1979) are available via email requests.

Edit Site Title
Date          Groom surname Groom forename Groom age Groom description Bride surname Bride forename Bride age Bride description Witnesses Notes
1837 16-Dec Luximore John 21 Blacksmith .Bachelor son of William Luximore (Labourer) Lean Mary 21 Servant Spinster daughter of Thomas Lean (Miner) William Walter Richard Cowling Both OTP. Banns. Both marked.
1838 27-Dec Jope Richard Cardew 23 Farm Servant. Bachelor son of James Jope (Blacksmith) Sambells Mary 22 Servant Spinster daughter of Francis Sambells (Farmer) Nicholas Wills Richard Cowling Both OTP. Both marked.
1839 14-Jan Louis Thomas 27 Miner. Widower son of John Louis (Husbandman) Fuge Ann 18 Spinster daughter of William Fuge (Husbandman) William Rickard William Fuge Both OTP. Banns. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1839 30-Jul Collins John 25 Mason. Bachelor son of Stephen Collins (Mason) Green Hannah 27 Spinster daughter of John Geen (Labourer) Charles Geen William Brown Elizabeth Dawe Both OTP. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1839 21-Nov Doney Matthew 27 Miller. Bachelor son of Matthew Doney (Farmer) Keast Priscilla 24 Spinster daughter of John Keast (Farmer) John Keast Richard Doney Emma Keast Bride OTP. Groom St. Cleer. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1840 25-Apr Plummer William 21 Miner. Bachelor son of William Plummer (Miner) Lean Jane 20 Spinster daughter of Thomas Lean (Miner) Nicholas Pearse James Rickard Both OTP. Both marked.
1840 16-Jun Dunstan Thomas OFA Smith. Bachelor son of John Dunstan (Farmer) Garland Ann OFA Spinster daughter of Sampson Garland (Farmer) Sampson Garland Jane Garland Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1840 05-Jul Northey Matthew 24 Miner. Bachelor son of Henry Northey (Miner) Whitford Susanna 26 Spinster daughter of Anthony Whitford (Miner) Jane Scoui? John Dunstan Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1841 13-Aug Rickard John 26 Labourer. Bachelor son of John Rickard (Labourer) Dawe Elizabeth 25 Spinster daughter of John Dawe (Labourer in the Dockyard) John Dawe Sarah Yealland Both OTP. Banns.Both signed.
1842 07-Jul Skin Michael 24 Butcher. Bachelor son of Michael Skin (Miller) Stephens Elizabeth 24 Spinster daughter of William Stephens (Labourer) Nicholas Rowe William Bonce/ Bones? Both OTP: Bride- Amy Cross, Groom- Keason. Banns. Both signed.
1843 07-Jan Cradick Richard OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of William Cradick (Miller) Martin Louisa 20 Spinster daughter of Stephen Martin (Labourer) Richard Parker Sampson Lucas Both OTP - Tipwell. Banns.Bride marked, Groom signed.
1843 05-Oct Lyne Henry OFA Yeoman. Widower son of Thomas Symons (Yeoman) Coad Mary Anne OFA Spinster daughter of George Coad (Yeoman) Richard Stephens Christian Coad Bride Park. GroomTrematon in St. Stephens. License. Both signed.
1843 19-Dec Stone William OFA Farmer. Bachelor son of John Stone (Farmer) Garland Jane OFA Spinster daughter of Sampson Garland (Farmer) Thomas Dunstan Sampson Garland Both OTP. License
1844 11-Apr Smith William OFA Farmer. Bachelor son of Richard Smith (Farmer) Short Mary Ann OFA Spinster daughter of John Short (Carpenter) John Short Thomas Kay Bride OTP. Groom Altarnun. Banns. Both signed.
1845 15-May Cloake John 27 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Cloake (Labourer) Barrett Mary Ann 25 Spinster daughter of Richard Barrett (Sawyer) Richard Copplestone Mary Dunstan Both OTP. BannsBride signed, Groom marked.
1845 22-Nov Bone Francis OFA Yeoman. Widower son of John Bone (Yeoman) Keast Emma OFA Spinster daughter of John Keast (Yeoman) Mary Anne Down Matthew Doney Bride OTP. Groom St. Cleer. License. Both signed.
1846 19-Mar Nanscawen William OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Thomas Nanscawen (Labourer) Dunstan Charlotte OFA Spinster daughter of John Dunstan (Blacksmith) Thomas Nanscawen John Dunstan Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1846 14-May Reynolds William Stanlake OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Joshua Reynolds (Labourer) Clarke Mary OFA Spinster daughter of William Clarke (Labourer) Ann Stanlake Reynolds William Stephens Bride OTP. Groom Callington. Banns. Both marked.
1847 29-May Shears James 24 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Shears (Labourer) Edgecumbe Jane 22 Spinster daughter of George Edgecumbe (Farmer) Marry Harris George Edgecumbe Both OTP. Both marked.
1848 26-Dec Harding John 31 Farmer. Bachelor son of William Harding (Farmer) Box Jane 27 Spinster daughter of Alexander Box (Farmer) George Pearce Thomas Box Bride OTP. Groom South Hill. Banns.Both signed.
1849 22-Jun Bolitho William OFA Farmer. Bachelor son of Robert Bolitho (Blacksmith) Bolitho Sarah Elizabeth Kestell OFA Spinster daughter of William Bolitho (Farmer) William Bolitho Sarah Stephens Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1850 27-Jun Kent Joseph OFA Miller. Bachelor son of John Kent (Miller) Haddy Mary Ann OFA Spinster daughter of Stephen Haddy (Blacksmith) Thomas Haddy Mary Ann Jaspere Bride OTP. Groom Morval. Banns. Both signed.
1851 08-Oct Martin William OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Joseph Martin (Labourer) Peter Mary Ann OFA Spinster daughter of Thomas Peter (Labourer) Rebecca Elizabeth Dingle Stephen Kelly Bride Altarnun. Groom OTP. Banns. Both marked.
1852 26-Feb Rickard Thomas OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of William Rickard (Butcher) Jago Louisa OFA Spinster daughter of Robert Jago (Labourer) Jane Jago John Jago Both OTP. Banns. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1852 24-Jun Kelly John OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Stephen Kelly (Labourer) Bate Susannah Langsford OFA Spinster daughter of Thomas Bate (Farmer) Elizabeth Kelly William Caunter Both OTP ( Keason) Banns. Both marked.
1852 12-Jul Gregory Edmund OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Thomas Gregory (Labourer) Hoskin Mary Ann OFA Spinster daughter of John Hoskin (Labourer) Elizabeth Hoskin John Hoskin Both OTP (Melon Court) Banns. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1852 28-Aug Grills John OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Stephen Grills (Sawyer) Haddy Eliza OFA Spinster daughter of Stephen Haddy (Blacksmith) Stephen Haddy Jane Grylls Both OTP (Wollaton) Both signed.
1853 27-Dec Creber Richard Phillips OFA Butcher. Bachelor son of John Creber (Farmer) Richard Mahalah OFA Spinster daughter of John Richard (Butcher) Thirza Ann Rickard John Rickard Bride OTP. Groom Beer Ferrers. Banns. Both signed.
1854 19-Jan Rogers John OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of John Rogers (Labourer) Pine Rebecca Hooper OFA Spinster daughter of John Pine (Labourer) Elizabeth Coad Joseph Rogers Both OTP. Banns. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1854 23-Feb Bolitho William Richard Kestell OFA Blacksmith. Bachelor son of William Bolitho (Blacksmith) Richard Selina OFA Spinster daughter of John Richard (Butcher) Thirza Ann Rickard John Rickard Both OTP. Bride -Crocadon, Groom -Wollaton. Banns. Both signed.
1855 03-Apr Brown John OFA Shoemaker. Bachelor son of Charles Turner Brown (Shoemaker) Herring Jane OFA Spinster daughter of William Herring (Sawyer) Susanna Smith Robert Henry Jago Bride OTP. Groom Callington. Banns.
1855 11-Oct Paynter Henry OFA Farmer. Bachelor son of Joseph Paynter (Farmer) Box Ann OFA Spinster daughter of Alexander Box (Farmer) Thomas Box Daniel Box Bride OTP. Groom Lezant. Banns. Both signed.
1856 25-Aug Herring James OFA Farmer. Bachelor son of John Herring (Farmer) Dowdin Caroline OFA Spinster daughter of Thomas Dowdin (Gardener) William Spear John Brown Both OTP. License. Both signed.
1856 23-Sep Came George 19 Labourer. Bachelor son of Nicholas Came (Labourer) Bolitho Eleanor Houghton 19 Spinster daughter of William Bolitho (Farmer) Edward Hoskin Bolitho Mary Jane Kestell Bolitho Both OTP. License. Both signed.
1856 03-Oct Cox John OFA Gamekeeper. Bachelor son of William Cox (Farmer) Fox Sarah OFA Servant Spinster daughter of John Fox (Paper Maker) John Martin Daniel Box Both OTP (Newton) Banns. Both signed.
1857 06-Sep Johns George 22 Labourer. Bachelor son of Stephen Johns (Labourer) Frampton Sarah 23 Spinster daughter of John Frampton (Labourer) Stephen Kelly Harriet Frampton Bride OTP. Groom St. Ive. Banns. Both marked.
1857 10-Sep Kinsman John OFA Miner. Bachelor son of John Kinsman (Labourer) Evans Marina OFA Servant Spinster daughter of John Evans (Labourer) Jane Kinsman Stephen Kelly Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1857 01-Oct Bennett Lewis OFA Carpenter. Bachelor son of Richard Bennett (Thatcher) Gilbert Jemima Grace OFA Servant Spinster Mary Ann Kernick James Paddon Bennett Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1857 12-Nov Bullen John OFA Tailor. Bachelor son of John Bullen (Farmer) Brook Amelia OFA Spinster daughter of John Brook (Servant) William Gray Mary Ann Kernick Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1858 11-Dec Hoskin John OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of John Hoskin (Labourer) Hooper Elizabeth Ann OFA Servant Spinster daughter of Henry Hooper (Labourer) John Hooper Stephen Kelly Both OTP. Banns. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1859 18-Jan Kelly Thomas OFA Servant. Bachelor son of Thomas Kelly (Labourer) Rickard Mary Ann OFA Spinster daughter of William Rickard (Butcher) Thomas Rickard Elizabeth Rickard Bride OTP. Groom Landulph. Banns. Both signed.
1860 21-Jan Goddard John OFA Servant. Bachelor son of Thomas Goddard (Clerk) Netting Elizabeth OFA Servant Spinster daughter of William Netting (Carpenter) William Gray Emily Netting Bride OTP. Groom Torquay. License. Both signed.
1860 19-Jan Dingle Walter OFA Farmer. Bachelor son of Walter Dingle (Farmer) Rickard Thirza Ann OFA Spinster daughter of John Rickard (Farmer) John Rickard William Rickard Bride OTP. Groom St. Stephens in Saltash. License. Both signed.
1860 10-Jul Miller Thomas OFA Gent. Widower son of Robert Miller (Shipwright) Spear Mary OFA Spinster daughter of Christopher Spear (Farmer) Stephen Spear Joseph Spear Bride OTP. Groom St. Dominick. License. Both signed.
1861 02-May Harris William Traies? OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Robert Harris (Labourer) Cottle Mary OFA Spinster daughter of John Cottle (Labourer) Stephen Kelly Rebecca Higman Bride OTP. Groom Callington. Banns. Both marked.
1861 20-May Bickle Robert OFA Police Constable. Bachelor son of Robert Bickle (Blacksmith) Jago Elizabeth OFA Spinster daughter of Robert Jago (Labourer) Thomas Rickard Elizabeth Nottle Bride OTP. Groom St. Issey. License. Bride marked, Groom signed.
1862 01-Feb Body George OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of William Body (Labourer) Stapleton Mary Ann OFA Spinster daughter of John Stapleton (Miner) Stephen Kelly Elizabeth Ann Hoskin Bride OTP. Groom Callington. Banns. Both signed.
1862 27-Nov Davey Thomas OFA Labourer. Widower son of John Davey (Labourer) Moyse Mary Dawe OFA Servant Spinster daughter of John Moyse (Labourer) John Moyse Fanny Moyse Bride Pillaton. Groom OTP. Banns. Bride signed, Groom marked.
1863 19-Jan Rickard William OFA Butcher. Bachelor son of John Rickard (Butcher) Williams Mary Charlotte OFA Servant Spinster daughter of Joseph Williams (Master Mariner) Thomas H Rickard Louisa Rebecca Rickard Bride Pillaton. Groom OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1864 16-Jul Paynter John OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of William Paynter (Labourer) Tucker Jane OFA Spinster daughter of James Tucker (Farmer) Jane Doney Richard Collins Both OTP. Banns. Bride signed, Groom marked.
1864 20-Sep Warwick John OFA Seaman. Bachelor son of William Warwick (Mason) Parker Charlotte Pote OFA Spinster daughter of Joseph Parker (Farmer) J.L. Stackhouse Joseph Parker Bride ST. Dominick. Groom OTP. Banns, Both signed.
1865 17-Jun Rickard Thomas OFA Bailiff. Widower son of William Rickard (Butcher) Netting Emily OFA Spinster daughter of William Netting (Carpenter) J. L. Stackhouse W. Rickard Both OTP. License. Both signed.
1865 17-Jun Netting Thomas OFA Mason. Widower son of William Netting (Mason) Rickard Elizabeth OFA Spinster daughter of William Rickard (Butcher) J.L. Stackhouse William Rickard Both OTP. License. Both signed.
1866 26-Apr Abel Thomas OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Joseph Abel (Labourer) Rickard Susannah Curtis 19 Servant Spinster daughter of William Rickard (Labourer) William Easterbrook Emma Rickard Both OTP. Banns. Bride signed, Groom marked.
1866 05-May Jope William Thomas OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of Richard Jope (Labourer) Hoskin Melinda OFA Spinster daughter of John Hoskin (Labourer) Mary Ann Jope Samuel Laundry Both OTP. Banns. Bride signed, Groom marked.
1866 12-May Bennett Richard OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of William Bennett (Labourer) Paynter Mary Jane OFA Servant Spinster daughter of William Paynter (Farmer) Thomas Botterell Caroline Botterell Bride OTP. Groom St. Dominick. Banns. Both signed.
1866 30-Oct Cooper William Thomas OFA Coach Builder. Bachelor son of Thomas Cooper (Coach Builder) Stephens Emma OFA Spinster daughter of William Stephens (Farmer) Nicholas A. Hawking William Stephens Bride OTP. Groom Ilchester. Banns. Both signed.
1867 27-Jun Treys John OFA Shoemaker. Bachelor son of William Treys (Shoemaker) Maunder Sarah OFA Servant Spinster daughter of Richard Maunder (Labourer) John Bullen Richard Maunder Bride OTP. Groom St. Dominick. Banns. Both signed.
1868 30-Jan Collins Richard OFA Labourer. Bachelor son of John Collins (Blacksmith) Doney Jane OFA Spinster daughter of John Doney (Labourer) Sarah Nicholls John Hawke Both OTP (Dunstan) Banns. Bride signed, Groom marked.
1868 25-Mar Cox Josiah OFA Gamekeeper. Bachelor son of William Cox (Farmer) Tyzzer Nancy OFA Servant Spinster daughter of Robert Tyzzer (Miner) Arthur Haston Sophia Cox Both OTP (Newton Ferrers) Banns. Both signed.
1868 18-Oct Spear Joseph OFA Farmer. Bachelor son of Christopher Spear (Yeoman) Rickard Priscilla Short OFA Spinster daughter of John Rickard (Farmer) John Rickard Thomas Hoskyn Rickard Both OTP. Bride Crocadon, Groom Tipwell. License. Both signed.
1869 24-Jul Painter William 20 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Painter (Farmer) Spear Eliza OFA Spinster daughter of Richard Spear (Labourer) William Hoskin Ann Painter Both OTP. Bride Bealbury, Groom Dunstan. Banns.Bride signed, Groom marked.
1870 10-Feb Veale Thomas OFA Carpenter. Bachelor son of Thomas Veale (deceased) (Carpenter) Broad Jessie OFA Spinster daughter of Charles Broad (Blacksmith) Charles Broad Emma Broad Bride St. Dominick. Groom OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1873 27-Feb Veale William OFA Carpenter. Bachelor son of Thomas Veale (deceased) (Carpenter) Traise Ann OFA Spinster daughter of Richard Traise (Labourer) James Veale John Oliver Both OTP. Banns. Bothsigned.
1873 05-Jun Hicks Charles 39 Labourer. Bachelor son of John Hicks (Sawyer) Paynter Ann 26 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of William Paynter (Labourer) Jane Paynter Richard Paynter Bride OTP. Groom Callington. Both signed.
1874 09-Apr Marks William 23 Labourer. Bachelor son of Thomas Marks (Labourer) Rickard Mary Ann 18 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of William Rickard (Labourer) William Rickard Catherine Rickard Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1874 19-Oct Oldridge Thomas 24 Stoker. Bachelor son of William Oldridge (Labourer) Higman Sophia 28 Spinster daughter of John Higman (Labourer) Richard Higman Sophia Worden Bride OTP. Groom HMS. Indies. Banns. Both signed.
1878 31-Mar Solomon George 36 Policeman. Widower son of William Solomon (Labourer) Davey Mary 46 Widowed daughter of John Moyse (Labourer) Walter Townsend Bessie Townsend Both OTP. Banns. Both signed.
1880 08-Apr Dolley Henry 23 Postman. Bachelor son of William Dolley (Labourer) Higman Georgina 20 Spinster daughter of John Higman (Labourer) John Higman Sophie Oldridge Both OTP. Both signed.
1880 18-Sep Westlake Samuel 49 Yeoman. Bachelor son of John Westlake (Yeoman) Doble Mary 40 Spinster daughter of Henry Doble (Yeoman) H. Dingle Mary Jane Dingle Rebe Dingle Annie Doble Bride OTP. Groom Broadwood Kelly. Both signed.
1883 15-Jan Lucas John 25 Stoker R.A. Bachelor son of Thomas Lucas (Miner) Higman Leonora 20 Spinster daughter of John Higman (Labourer) Richard Higman Sophie Oldridge Bride OTP. Groom Devonport. Both signed.
1883 13-Feb Kelly William Thomas 27 Labourer. Bachelor son of John Kelly (Labourer) Warden Mary Hannah 22 Spinster daughter of John Warden (Labourer) John Warden Lucy Warden Both OTP (Amy Tree) Bride signed, Groom marked.
1883 21-Jun Netting James 25 Blacksmith. Bachelor son of John Netting (Blacksmith) Rickard Jessie 25 Spinster daughter of Thomas Rickard (Farmer) Thomas Rickard Carrie Rickard Bride OTP. Groom 20 Clarence Pl. Stonehouse Plymouth. Both signed.
1883 04-Oct Dolley John 26 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Dolley (Sawyer) Rogers Mary Harriet 19 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of John Rogers (Miner) John Rogers Caroline Harriett Thornton Both OTP. Bride The Rectory. Groom Greenswell. Both signed.
1884 23-Oct Norton William 29 Builder. Bachelor son of William Norton (Farmer) Rickard Caroline 27 Spinster daughter of Thomas Rickard (Farmer) David Norton Thomas Rickard Bride OTP. Groom 6. Little Chester St, Eaton Sq. London. Both signed.
1885 15-Sep Exworthy William Henry 28 Coachman. Bachelor son of William Exworthy (Labourer) Parker Lucy 26 Spinster daughter of Michael Parker (Labourer) Michael Parker Eliza Parker Bride OTP (Amy Tree) Groom R.N.C. Devonport. Both signed.
1886 31-Jul Gregory William 29 Mason. Widower son of Matthew Gregory (Mason) Allen Emily 24 Spinster daughter of John Allen (Labourer) Matthew Gregory Charles Eastley Bride OTP. Groom New Bridge Callington. Both signed.
1887 22-Mar Herring Thomas Deacon 45 Servant. Widower son of John Herring Herring (Gardener) Stephens Mary 40 Spinster daughter of William Stephens (Farmer) Mary Ann Soper William Stephens Bride OTP. Groom Nat. Liberal Club, Trafalgar Square, London. Both signed.
1881 01-Nov Bigg Henry 35 Labourer. Widower son of Thomas Bigg (Labourer) Smith Emma Jane 30 Servant Spinster daughter of William Smith (Labourer) Charley Smith Lucy Smith Both OTP. Bride-Greenswell, Groom Axford Cottage. Bride signed, Groom marked.
1890 25-Mar Cradick Benjamin 28 Farmer. Bachelor son of Jacob Cradick (Farmer) Bolitho Edith Laura 31 Spinster daughter of William Bolitho (Farmer) Lois Simon W.A. Bolitho Bride OTP (Wollaton) Groom St. Dominick. Both signed.
1895 22-Jan Cole William 36 Baker. Widower son of William Cole (Farmer) Eastabrook Mary Grace 36 Dressmaker Spinster daughter of James Eastabrook (Thatcher) Maud Mary Pardoe Charles Eastley Bride OTP. GroomTotnes. Both signed.
1896 11-Feb Rogers Edmund 30 Farmer. Bachelor son of Joseph Rogers (Labourer) Solomon Louise 23 Spinster daughter of George Solomon (Inn Keeper) George Solomon Eliza Solomon Anthony davey Both OTP. Both signed.
1896 03-Nov Paynter Albert 23 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Paynter (Labourer) Shears Minnie 21 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of Samuel Shears (Miner) William Carter Mary Etta Wadge Bpth OTP (Dunstan) Both signed.
1896 11-Nov Phillips Arthur Ernest 27 Groom. Bachelor son of James Phillips (Cabinet Maker) Cox Kate 25 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of Josiah Cox (Game Keeper) Elizabeth Cox Josiah Cox Charles Edward Phillips Bride Pentillie Quay, Pillaton. Groom OTP. Both signed.
1896 12-Nov Richards John 25 Labourer. Bachelor son of John Richards (Labourer) Rickard Florence Nickels 21 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of George Rickard (Mine Captain) Thomas Alfred James Richards Melinda Jane Down Both OTP. Both signed.
1898 04-Oct Hodder James 24 Labourer. Bachelor son of George Hodder (Labourer) Eastley Jessie 24 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of Charles Eastley (Gardener) Jessie Skelton Dora Kate May Bride OTP. Groom Burraton, St. Stephens in Saltash. Both signed.
1899 18-Oct Spear Ernest 30 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Spear (Farmer) Shear Veale Mary Ellen Alberta 27 Spinster daughter of John Shear Veale (Fruit Grower) John Veale Shear Tom Oscar Spear Bride OTP (Viverdon) Groom Kelly Bray, Stoke Climsland. Both signed.
1900 24-Feb Johns Charles 27 Labourer. Bachelor son of George Johns (Labourer) Pascoe Emmeline 27 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of Richard Pascoe (Stonecutter) William Pascoe Charles Eastley Bride OTP. Groom Marsh Gate, St. Ive. Both signed.
1900 27-Feb Olver Charles Henry 22 Gardener. Bachelor son Of Richard Olver (Labourer) Deacon Louisa 23 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of Sampson Deacon (Labourer) Jabez? Ruby Anthony Davey Bride Callington. Groom OTP. Bride signed, Groom marked.
1901 31-Oct Solomon William 32 Carpenter. Bachelor son of George Solomon (Inn keeper) Deacon Sophie 27 Spinster daughter of Sampson Deacon (Labourer) Edmund Rogers Anthony Davey Bride Callington. Groom OTP
1903 01-Oct Veale Willie Edgar 22 Labourer. Bachelor son of John Shear Veale (Farmer) Folley Carrie 25 Spinster daughter of James Folley (Labourer) Ida Madeline Stephens Gertrude Veale Both OTP. Bride Horsepool, Groom Viverdon.
1904 27-Jul Cox William 40 Farmer. Bachelor son of John Cox (deceased) (Game keeper) Tucker Sarah Jane 40 Spinster daughter of John Trenaman Tucker (Farmer) James Tucker Hannah Tucker Bride OTP. Groom St. Stehens, Saltash.
1904 28-Jul Wherry Albert Wallace 32 Builder. Bachelor son of John Moon Wherry (Carpenter) Solomon Eliza 28 Spinster daughter of George Solomon (Inn keeper) George Solomon R.S. Wherry M.U. Grefor Both OTP.
1904 20-Oct Wills Frederick 23 Labourer. Bachelor son of Thomas Wills (deceased) (Labourer) Paynter Jessie 23 Spinster daughter of William Paynter (Hind?) William Paynter Frederick Holman Annie Holman May Paynter Bride OTP. Groom Stockaton, Landulph
1905 04-May Paynter George 24 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Paynter (Hind?) Kelly Alica Maude Mary 22 Spinster daughter of William Thomas kelly (Labourer) William Thomas Kelly James Paynter Both OTP. Bride - Horsepool, Groom - Dunstan Queen
1905 29-Jul Netting John Lovell 25 Farmer. Bachelor son of John Netting (Farmer) Webber Amy 25 Spinster daughter of Sidney Webber (Tailor) Sidney Webber Charles Webber Both OTP (Tipwell)
1906 01-Jul Artus - commonly called Oldridge Samuel Henry OFA Waiter. Widower son of Samuel Charles Artus (Decorator) Higman Emmeline OFA Spinster Ada Higman Richard Olver Bride OTP (Post Office) Groom Royal Naval College, Keyham?
1906 01-Nov Luckson Harry 30 Labourer. Bachelor son of Thomas Luckson (Labourer) Veale Gertrude Selina Jane 24 Spinster daughter of John Shear Veale (Market Gardener) J. Luckson M. Veale B. Veale Both OTP (Viverdon) Banns.
1899 06-Apr Bond Percival 24 Hotel Proprietor. Bachelor son of William Bond (Hotel Proprietor) Lucas Beatrice Emma 22 Spinster daughter of William Lucas (Farmer) William Lucas William Charles Lucas Bride OTP, Groom Callington.
1907 01-Jan Worden Fred Bate 23 Labourer. Bachelor son of John Worden (Labourer) Lang Charlotte Minnie 18 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of William Lang William Thomas kelly Ernest Albert Lane Bertha Worden Bride Pentillie Quay, Pillaton. Groom OTP.Banns.
1907 04-Apr Veale Sidney George 28 Carpenter. Bachelor son of John Shear Veale (Market Gardener) Whale Lucy 23 Spinster daughter of Thomas Hooper Whale (Labourer) Thomas Hooper Whale Alice Ruby Whale Willie Edgar Veale Bride Trehill Pillaton. Groom OTP (Viverdon). Banns.
1907 09-Oct Olver John Thomas 24 Gardener. Bachelor son of Richard Olver (Gardener) Gill Lily Mary 21 Domestic Servant Spinster daughter of John James Gill (Coachman) Eliza Gill C. Olver Bride Pentillie Castle, Pillaton. Groom OTP. Banns.
1907 12-Nov Mason Nelson John 30 Fruit Grower. Bachelor son of William Mason (deceased) (Fruit Grower) Rogers Mary 23 Spinster daughter of James Rogers (Farmer) James Rogers Alfred James Mason Jane Horton Rogers Bride OTP (Amy Tree) Groom St. Dominick. Banns.
1908 23-Apr Smith Charles 38 Labourer. Bachelor son of William Smith (deceased) (Labourer) Tresidder Elizabeth Jane Martin 40 Widowed daughter of Edward Martin (deceased) (Farmer) Joseph Charles Smith Mary Jane Cundy John Smith Bride Emmanuel, Plymouth. Groom OTP. Banns
1910 12-Feb Baker Samuel 28 House Decorator. Bachelor son of George Baker (deceased) (Cooper) Whale Alice Ruby 31 Spinster daughter of Thomas Hooper Whale (Labourer) George Baker John Stribling Williams Baker Thomas Whale Bride OTP. Groom Peverill, Plymouth. Banns.